You will be asked to write:
We did this already in class together on Monday. You should have it in your Blue Folder.
There are a LOT of events that happen in the book! But you can only choose a total of 7. Oh no! Don't worry. We will brainstorm together in class:
We did this together in class on Monday. You should have taken notes.
You will be asked to write a short essay on how Georgina changed from the beginning of the book to the end of the book. There is more than one way that she changed. You will choose from the ideas that you like the best and brainstorm with your book club to plan your answer. Some ideas are:
You will brainstorm and work together with your book club at school on Tuesday.
An example of this is posted below. You will need to scroll down.
A theme is an overall message that the author is trying to communicate in the book.Your 3 choices will be:
Whichever one you choose, you will brainstorm with your book club as you plan your short essay. You will need to write:
We will have time on Wednesday and Thursday to plan your essay and you will be able to collaborate with your book club.
An example of a theme essay is posted below. You need to scroll down.
In the beginning of the book, Georgina treated her mom unkindly because she's mad they have to live in a car.
Georgina blames her mom for not providing a house to live in. She acts like it is all her mom's fault when it was her dad who left them. Georgina doesn't even give her mom credit for working hard. Her mom actually works TWO jobs so they can get a house. Georgina doesn't even notice that her mom is also sad. It is like she is blind.
By the end of the book, Georgina realized that none of this was her mom's fault. She finally understands how hard her mom is trying to make things better. She stops being "blind" and understands that a big part of her mom's sadness was because Georgina was not even noticing that her mom was doing her best. She is finally grateful for her mom working so hard and regrets how she made her feel unappreciated.
I think a good theme for the book is compassion.
In this book Georgina feels bad when Carmella is crying about Willy, her dog, being lost. Georgina starts feeling really sorry for Carmella and gradually starts to regret what she did. She finds out that Carmella lives alone and Willy is her only friend. She even tries to force her to write posters offering a reward. But, she can't ignore that her heart is starting to feel terrible about being so unkind to Carmella. Finally, her compassion wins the battle, and she returns Willy.
Also, Mookie shows compassion when he figures out that Georgina stole the dog because he doesn't tell on her. Mookie finds Willy and soon after that he sees the posters that have Willy's picture on them. He talks to Georgina and makes the connection that she's the one who stole Willy. He could have taken Willy back and told on her and then she would have been in BIG trouble. But instead he tells her two mottos and hopes she will do the right thing. That was a very compassionate way to handle this problem.
When I read this book it made me think about how important it is to be compassionate towards others. Sometimes a little kindness is like a superpower that can fix things. I want to learn how to show compassion like Georgina and Mookie did.