Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
For example, you may want to let me know if your child was feeling worried about something, if there was a family event or emergency and your child was unable to complete his/her homework. Knowing what is going on helps me to be flexible and we can work together to support your child. As a parent myself, I completely understand that things don't always go as planned. LOL!
The BEST way to contact me is via email:
This is because I am able to check my email throughout the day. I will have moments here and there where I can quickly reply. In fact, if you don't hear from me the day you send the email, please reach out again. It may be because I am sick or not at school or your email went to spam. I do faithfully check email so you should get a timely reply.
If you leave a voice mail on my phone I will NOT be able to check it until after school. This means it will take longer for me to get back to you. Phoning is definitely not optimal.
In case you need to get an IMMEDIATE response on an urgent matter, it is best to phone the office directly.
It is important to speak in person to the school secretary instead of leaving a message on my voice mail.
The office will be able to get a hold of me immediately so I can respond to you, relay an important message to your child, etc.
This is something that must be pre-arranged with me if we are not going to meet in person.