We are starting something new!
We will be learning how to write an opinion essay.
This is VERY different from writing a fictional narrative.
My examples are posted on this page. As we go through the process, you can check out my example. Hopefully it will be helpful.
Decide your topic.
We are all picking someone we admire.
In my example, I am writing about my grandma.
Think of 3 "big idea" reasons why you admire this person.
I picked:
1) She really understands me
2) She always helps me
3) I can trust her with anything
For each reason, write jot dots that give details about it that are convincing.
It can be a list of 3 to 5 examples.
It can be 2 examples but you have a lot of details for them.
It can be only 1 example, but you are basically telling a "mini story" about it.
We will write notes for our introduction.
The parts of the introduction:
1) The "hook"
2) The "bridge" between the hook and the topic sentence
3) The topic sentence
4) The part where you name the 3 reasons you are going to write about.
You can refer to Mrs. Eller's example of how the plan is written down
in the Boxes and Bullets form. See below.